FAQ - Global Mobility Questions Answered

FAQ: Global Mobility Questions Answered

Question: What is Global Mobility?


Answer: According to HR Mobility Professionals Global Mobility enables a Company to grow is the moving of employees to host locations away from the home countries of the employees ensuring compliance in Tax, Immigration and Relocation in a cost effective way. Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors
Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors 'What is Global Mobility?'



Question: Please provide an Introduction to Global Mobility?


Answer: Global Mobility is a truly Global function that relocated employees to any location for a company to help with expansion, services and talent deployment. An introduction to global mobility will have compliance, understanding and planning within to the various factors that make a Global Mobility program succeed. Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors
Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors 'Global Mobility an Introduction'



Question: What is the Global Mobility Function?


Answer: The functional unit withDiversity & Inclusion and Global Mobilityin a company running an assignment program and sending employees to other locations is behind the global Mobility function, a collective of all the elements that goes into the process of Global Mobility. Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors 'What is the Global Mobility Function?''



Global Mobility Program Size - Does it make a Difference?


Answer: Every policy and every program is suited to the demography of the signings that we're moving, even permanent transfers. And when it comes to small usually is designer fit. So, you have you have lesser people to deal with. So, you have a little bit more flexibility in the way you manage it. Whereas if you're dealing with a large program, then there needs to be consistency. Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors 'Global Mobility Program Size'



What is a Global Mobility Manager?


Answer: Global Mobility acts as a connecting hub, and at the center of the Global Mobility Function is the Global Mobility Manager. But what does this entail..? We are integrators. So global mobility enables the Global Mobility professionals, Global Mobility Managers, to actually learn about a lot of other things that enable movement. Like I said, some something that is that allows for global mobility to be successful is the integrator part. Talking to legal talking to corporate tax, knowing when to pull in finance, when when to pull in other stakeholders and be seen as just one front that allows for global mobility to be the integrator. Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors 'What is a Global Mobility Manager?'



Why are Global Mobility Events so important?


Answer: HR need to benchmark and share knowledge with other Global Mobility Professionals. Learning from supplier experts also adds immence value and opportunities for Mobility Professionals to grow. Communication and sharing knowledge are key to the growth of Global Mobility. The dedicated HR First Global Mobility Events GMJ provides a truly Global arena for HR Professionals to enhance their knowledge online. Source: Events Feedback from GMJ Events on Video - Events



Diversity & Inclusion and Global Mobility, How are they connected?


Answer: So in effect, it's like diversity and inclusion is Fuel to Global Mobility. Global Mobility, fueled by diversity and inclusion. I think that it's also important that you look into your policies even to go to as as basic as review. Are you really being diversity inclusive when it comes to your policies? Who are you tracking, who's your population? Diversity means many things for many different companies. Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors 'Diversity & Inclusion and Global Mobility'



How does Technology makes a difference to Global Mobility?


Answer: Global Mobility is always looking for new technology to improve the function. The ability to focus and enhance a Global Mobility program with technology is not only better for the assignee but also the Global Mobility Function and beyond. The best technology for Global Mobility this year may be ground breaking then two years later, that technology is going to be considered old. So who's investing in technology? So understanding AI's capabilities and understanding some of the limitations of it. And what are those, asks that global mobility needs to start demanding of the suppliers? Because I really do believe this is where the more the global mobility identifies future needs A.I. Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Technology and Global Mobility



Global Mobility Branding, how is Global Mobility, Talent Mobility, seen and how it can be promoted?


Answer: Global Mobility has a lot to celebrate and branding is a key part of that. Being able to put Global Mobility as a function. It is always a really interesting question for me - How is Global Mobility Branded. How global mobility is seen from a point of view outside Global Mobility. I mean, if global mobility is considered an essential part of HR, or rather a separate function. But still, we remain an island always. And they really need professionals who understand about these things.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors 'Branding Global Mobility'



How will Global Mobility evolve?


Answer: Global Mobility and by proxy Talent Mobility will expand. It will have more knowledge of risk and compliance management. It is interesting because global mobility along with the benefits that it has, because of the growing talent and because we were building capabilities of other people, somehow there is a huge cost to it. So there is a budget that is contributed to this relocation in the future ways of working with the hires, the technology and the new information that we are receiving. We will have to start looking at virtual assignments or working from different locations for the new one and really looking to reduce the number of mobilization. So that is the coming in new ways because of the recent changes.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors 'Evolving Global Mobility'



Why do Global Mobility HR Professionals join Global Mobility Journeys?


Answer: Global Mobility Journeys GMJ is summed up well as a celebration of Global Mobility connecting Global Mobility HR. I love the unique idea of Global Mobility Journeys has to be able to engage the global mobility community and share knowledge. And I like the idea that they're using Technology, which most of us are now. I'm connecting with other mobility professionals, having the ability to exchange stories and to ultimately support one another. The GMJ Congress (Global Mobility Event Online) is always a great place where you can see your professional colleagues that you don't normally get to see. It's a it's a wonderful opportunity to bring everyone together to talk about current events and really find out what are other people doing in their Global Mobility programs. So you can then take that back andand make your Global Mobility program better.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mobility Journeys Explained



Global Mobility Why it is Important?


Answer: Global Mobility connects to every aspect of the business. A protector, an enabler and a gateway. It is essential for deploying the right talent in the right situations. We explore the various aspects where Global Mobility makes that difference to the employee, the company and beyond. Global mobility to the business is an enabler. Global mobility allows for businesses to have their people where they need them at every moment in time,which is why it allows for people to move around. Global mobility, has evolved tremendously over the past couple of years. There is the actual management of compliance when those individuals are actually moved or when those people actually do move and the team can make sure that the necessary compliance is managed and the risk to the business is mitigated.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mobility Why it is Important



Global Mobility and Artificial Intelligence is it the way forward?


Answer: Global Mobility needs to move fast and adapt fast. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) has a role in Global mobility, it has a role in HR and every part of the organization. It will impact the roles that we have some to a to a different degree. We will perhaps a run through 30% of existing role some roles will be affected 60 or 80%. It varies depending on the nature of the roles. The more if you think about if it can be automated it will be automated.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Artificial Intelligence and Global Mobility



Global Mobility Policies, why are they so important?


Answer: Global Mobility needs to move fast and adapt fast. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) has a role in Global mobility, it has a role in HR and every part of the organization. It will impact the roles that we have some to a to a different degree. We will perhaps a run through 30% of existing role some roles will be affected 60 or 80%. It varies depending on the nature of the roles. The more if you think about if it can be automated it will be automated.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mobility Policies



How to begin to understand Global Mobility?


Answer: Global Mobility is Rewarding, Incredible and Dynamic. Global Mobility includes lots of different dynamics that and those dynamics have their own individual dynamics. So, it constantly changes, which basically makes it a very dynamic subject, I would say. And the reason that I'm choosing rewarding is because I think that the mobility industry have given me so much which of challenges, opportunities, great experiences. Global Mobility is a great opportunity to expand the diversity within their teams, bring talent not only for the pool of the country, but also from abroad to make sure it can also be a tool of reward to make sure talents are. I think the good mobility to the public is for the ability to it's used differently because we see mobility as a word that is used both or mobility professionals, but mobility is also used as a transport nation means so. So I think from the general public, they sometimes have a bit difficult to say what is actually global mobility.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors A Beginner’s Guide to Global Mobility



How does Global Mindset effect Global Mobility?


Answer: Global Mobility is aware that Employees are now looking for recognition now in the forms of an International assignment, rather than the possibility in five years time. How can Global Mobility manage this? Global Mobility function enables business to put people where they need to be, for that, for the people that has the skill set, the business need. So without the mobility function, small or large, international versus domestic, it really doesn't matter. But it's without that function, that business really wouldn't succeed. It allows them to add value to their personal and professional development, as well as add value to the company and facilitate exchange of knowledge and ideas across borders which will only help the business reach their business goals.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mindset and Global Mobility



What is a Global Mobility Tale?


Answer: Global Mobility is a vocation, in essence a calling for many, but how do they end up on this exciting road. Sit back, relax and enjoy the Global Mobility Tales. I worked in a number of different spaces, but having the opportunity to actually be an expert on an assignment was kind of that tipping point for me to really be in the mobility space. So I started out in global mobility by accident. I feel like I've heard that often in the mobility space that people just come about it. But the problem solving and of course, helping the people kind of navigate that important part of their life where they're kind of finding an intersect between their personal and professional lives, for me is really rewarding.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mobility Tales



How are Global Mobility & Singapore connected?


Answer: Singapore may be considered a soft landing for Global Mobility and Assignees but awareness of culture is vital. The GMJ Ambassadors take us on a fascinating Global Mobility tour of Singapore. Global Mobility and Singapore are a natural fit. Singapore is a great place to live in. It's a land of opportunity, society and it's a great cosmopolitan city. It's clean, it's green, relatively safe. From a career standpoint, we have lots of industries that are being based here, and so there are lots of options that are available.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mobility & Singapore



How are Global Mobility & Mexico connected?


Answer: Mexico and Global Mobility are a great fit. Mexico is a diverse and beautiful country filled with sun, sea, and cities - making it a highly attractive location for both employees and corporations in Global Mobility. Mexico is a very good place to live. It offers many experiences. It has many places. People is open to receive people coming from other countries. We have a lot of us. We are very prepared in terms of hospitality, whether the education, the health system, the places that Mexico offers to leave the restaurant, I mean, the culture, everything makes this a very good experience and it results very attractive for anyone who has this in consideration.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mobility & Mexico



What does Global Mobility mean?


Answer: Global Mobility is a strategic tool that companies use, whether it be a hiring manager, the talent organization or leaders to mobilize the talent that they need to be in certain locations. Global Mobility as a critical function in supporting them to fill that gap, to support them, to actually relocate team members for specific training or to support in the various projects.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors The meaning of Global Mobility



How is Global Mobility linked to Spain & Italy?


Answer: Global Mobility has found a home in Italy and Spain. The attraction to assignees are clear. Weather, Culture and the whole Italian and Spanish lifestyles.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Italy, Spain & Global Mobility



What is Global Mobility in HR?


Answer: Global Mobility and HR are partners. Its a key partnership between global mobility and HR. HR relies on global mobility for guidance expertise and knowledge. Enabling the company and HR to achieve its international goals.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors What is Global Mobility in HR



Global Mobility and United Kingdom, how are they linked?


Answer: The United Kingdom has a mature Global Mobility industry. Global Mobility are interested to send assignees to the UK. So we kind of balance that challenge with that, with that benefit. UK gives that opportunity, I think UK is one of the best countries where you will have that international experience that you will take it with you to your home country.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mobility & United Kingdom



Global Mobility and Immigration, how are they linked?


Answer: Immigration and is a fundamental part of Global Mobility. Moving an employee across borders to work the key element of any Global Mobility program and without effective Immigration processes this would not be possible. Immigration is what Global Mobility HR Professionals need to be aware of and always in tune with. You want to avoid having a situation where the employee gets to the airport and they're denied entry because they either don't have the proper visa or the proper paperwork in order to enter that country.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mobility & Immigration



Global Mobility Careers, what options are there?


Answer: Global Mobility Careers are varied and offer great opportunity. It does mean something different to each person, to each company. So for Global mobility, roles that e seen are immigration related. Theres specialists and mobility specialists that help with a large variety of the topics like immigration, tax benefits, global relocation, like the movement of the people and their stuff.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mobility Careers



Global Mobility: What are the Benefits?


Answer: The benefits to Global Mobility programs are varied and vast. Global Mobility has what could be described as an undefinable number of benefits. These range from enabling growth, to protecting the company and guiding it as it evolves.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mobility: What are the Benefits?



Why is the Global Mobility Manager and Team important?


Answer: How does the Global Mobility function work and why is it there - it is there to help the business expand and grow internationally in an effective way.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors The Importance of a Global Mobility Manager



Sustainability & Global Mobility: How make the Difference?


Answer: Sustainability is about every action taken, Global Mobility can make that difference. Looking at policies and practices are key - questioning is this neccessary and is their a better way.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Sustainability & Global Mobility - Making the difference



US Immigration is essential to Global Mobility, why?


Answer: Where there is Immigration you shall find Global Mobility - that is as true in the United States as any country. My top tip for mobility professionals supporting the immigration piece is just having a really strong partner who understands the immigration landscape and is keeping you up to date.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors USA Immigration & Global Mobility



What does 2023 hold for Global Mobility?


Answer: How will 2023 effect Global Mobility - What 2023 holds for Global Mobility is a defined by the architects of the function. These are the Global Mobility HR Professionals who advise and implement policy.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mobility into 2023



Why are Global Mobility Services important?


Answer: Global Mobility is a Service in a sense that the internal Global Mobility Function provides to the company internally as well as the Function uses Global Mobility Services externally.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mobility Services



What does the future hold for Global Mobility?


Answer: The best people to ask predict what will happen within Global Mobility are the HR Professionals who run the programs.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors The Future of Global Mobility



2024 and Global Mobility: What the Leap Year Holds?


Answer: A New Year is an challanging opportunity for Mobility HR. A New Year brings a wealth of opportunities to come and the lessons learnt from the previous year and those before that really will determine how Global Mobility will succeed with whatever challenges come HR’s way.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mobility in 2024



What is the Global Mobility Process?


Answer: As the need to International Hiring increased a process was needed. The Global Mobility Process enables companies to grow through dependable methodologies that are always improving and adapting.

Source: Global Mobility HR GMJ Ambassadors Global Mobility Process