Susana is a HR Coordinator with more than twenty years' experience of progressive job responsibilities including Talent Mobility, People Analytics, and Recruiting.
Global Mobility & Mexico Mexico is a beautiful country, beautiful weather & amazing people. Mexico is a diverse and beautiful country filled with sun, sea, and cities - making it a highly attractive location for both employees and corporations in Global Mobility. Mexico is a very good place to live. It offers many experiences. It has many places. People is open to receive people coming from other countries. We have a lot of us. We are very prepared in terms of hospitality, whether the education, the health system, the places that Mexico offers to leave the restaurant, I mean, the culture, everything makes this a very good experience and it results very attractive for anyone who has this in consideration. One thing that I've seen in in my experience is that when companies enter Mexico, they realize that as Mexico, Mexico as a culture, it is likes to have their branding. And with that, companies that have been successful in entering the country as a business have differentiated their business locally through a specific branding, and that has enabled that, I think the country to be continuously growing, continuously changing, and that is, I think one of the key things of why global mobility is so interested in also entering the country.
Growth & Global Mobility GMJ Ambassadors explore how mobility is essential to growth. GMJ Ambassadors explore how mobility is essential to growth and enables such a strong foundation for future benefits.
Global Mobility in South America A Continent of Opportunities Rich in culture and a welcoming spirit South America greets Global Mobility in open arms to enable companies, Mobility Professionals and assignees to get the most out of a unique experience. South America is a unique place for Global Mobility with challenges but so many rewards that make it a perfect for Global Mobility.
Global Mobility: The Americas Trilogy Part 1 Opportunity from Coast to Coast... The scope of potential, the breadth of opportunity and the need for exceptional talent drives one of the most popular parts of the globe for Global Mobility. But essentially, we are helping to move talent around the world and these individuals are making significant impact in organizations and in the lives of all of our population.