Shumin Yeo provides strategic partnership to business leaders, and deliver best in-class people solutions and exceptional talent experience in attracting top diverse Talent and relocating more than 1,500 mobile talents each year.
Global Mobility Defined Strategically Relocating Talent How we define Global Mobility shapes not only now but for the future to come - who are the best people to ask.. the Global Mobility Professionals who manage the programs! It is in every conversation that you have at the industry level with many organizations, we have appointed chief officers. We can particularly also look at diversity and inclusion and global mobility is a new vehicle.
Technology & Global Mobility What the future holds... Technology advancement from A. I. to more effect practices really make the difference in Global Mobility. Being aware of the technological landscape is key to a HR Professional in Mobility. The best technology for Global Mobility this year may be ground breaking then two years later, that technology is going to be considered old. So who's investing in technology? So understanding AI's capabilities and understanding some of the limitations of it.
Mobility into 2022 Together we can do this With this start of the New Year Nine GMJ Ambassadors, Mobility HR, join together to share how Mobility can be that deciding factor.
Intergalactic Assignments What if ? Exploring Global Mobility possibilities of a space faring nature, GMJ Ambassadors consider what the life of an Intergalactic Mobility Professional will look like... What would be the most challenging within that for intergalactic assignment or within our galaxy? And I was thinking yesterday at Pluto when we move to Mars, you know, it's a planet we will be working towards making it liveable or not.
Global Mobility Stories The Story of how so many Global Mobility HR Professionals got into Global Mobility Global Mobility HR Professionals share their beginnings and how their careers brought them to wonderful world of Global Mobility.
Global Mobility Manager At the center of every Global Mobility Function Global Mobility acts as a connecting hub, and at the center of the Global Mobility Function is the Global Mobility Manager. But what does this entail..? We are integrators. So global mobility enables the Global Mobility professionals, Global Mobility Managers, to actually learn about a lot of other things that enable movement. Like I said, some something that is that allows for global mobility to be successful is the integrator part. Talking to legal talking to corporate tax, knowing when to pull in finance, when when to pull in other stakeholders and be seen as just one front that allows for global mobility to be the integrator.
Evolving Global Mobility What will Global Mobility look like in the Future? Global Mobility, Talent Mobility.. what is next.. what does the future hold ? The GMJ Ambassadors (Global Mobility HR) discuss ways Mobility has changed and predict what may be next. Global Mobility and by proxy Talent Mobility will expand. It will have more knowledge of risk and compliance management. It's interesting because global mobility along with the benefits that it has, because of the growing talent and because we were building capabilities of other people, somehow there is a huge cost to it. So there is a budget that is contributed to this relocation in the future ways of working with the hires, the technology and the new information that we're receiving. We will have to start looking at virtual assignments or working from different locations for the new one and really looking to reduce the number of mobilization. So that's the coming in new ways because of the recent changes.
Global Mindset & Global Mobility The expected expectation... Global Mobility is aware that Employees are now looking for recognition now in the forms of an International assignment, rather than the possibility in five years time. How can Global Mobility manage this? Global Mobility function enables business to put people where they need to be, for that, for the people that has the skill set, the business need. So without the mobility function, small or large, international versus domestic, it really doesn't matter. But it's without that function, that business really wouldn't succeed. It allows them to add value to their personal and professional development, as well as add value to the company and facilitate exchange of knowledge and ideas across borders which will only help the business reach their business goals.
Global Mobility & Singapore A welcoming destination for Global Mobility Singapore may be considered a soft landing for Global Mobility and Assignees but awareness of culture is vital. The GMJ Ambassadors take us on a fascinating Global Mobility tour of Singapore. Global Mobility and Singapore are a natural fit. Singapore is a great place to live in. It's a land of opportunity, society and it's a great cosmopolitan city. It's clean, it's green, relatively safe. From a career standpoint, we have lots of industries that are being based here, and so there are lots of options that are available.
The Meaning of Global Mobility What defines Global Mobility? What is the essence, the true meaning of Global Mobility. How can it make a positive difference and how can Global Mobility professionals succeed in this. Global Mobility is a strategic tool that companies use, whether it be a hiring manager, the talent organization or leaders to mobilize the talent that they need to be in certain locations. Global Mobility as a critical function in supporting them to fill that gap, to support them, to actually relocate team members for specific training or to support in the various projects.
Global Mobility Careers A variety of journeys await Global Mobility can be described as the hub that connects so much of a business together - that too can be said for a Global Mobility Professionals Career. It does mean something different to each person, to each company. So for Global mobility, roles that I've seen are immigration related. There's specialists and mobility specialists that help with a large variety of the topics like immigration, tax benefits, global relocation, like the movement of the people and their stuff.
Global Mobility: What are the Benefits? A guide, an enabler and protector Global Mobility has what could be described as an undefinable number of benefits. These range from enabling growth, to protecting the company and guiding it as it evolves. You will find that in a lot of global companies, global mobility opportunities is important for employees as it relates to their career advancement and growth. So global mobility, I think it means it may mean different things into different markets. The global mobility to the global mobility team is the differentiator.
Global Mobility Stories to Remember It all starts with... Global Mobility Careers start often with that desire to learn about the International side of working. Exploring the relationships that come about as a result. So a lot of people kind of fall into mobility, whether it's through working on a team or because they have an interest in international work. And for me, I actually got my university degree in human resources in international business.
The Importance of a Global Mobility Manager The Essential Guide How does a function work, how does the Global Mobility Function work? It is the Global Mobility Manager, the professionals ensuring all the Cogs turn and the Plates do not fall. These are new generations being borderless, working with these that this has definitely created challenges also to the business. There are many strategies, innovations, technical parts that are well worth using that we as global mobility specialists should keep track of.
Sustainability & Global Mobility - Making the difference Every Action Counts Sustainability is simply not a buzzword, it is something we all have to take action on. This includes Global Mobility and wider HR. We can all make a difference with every action. I think as individuals we want to do everything that we can to be good global citizens and a lot of corporations are looking to be good corporate citizens and have strong sustainability programs.
The Future of Global Mobility What may be... Who is best to say what will happen to Global Mobility in the future, the HR Mobility professionals who run the programs. So we did that very thing. Global mobility is a vital function to the organization. Global mobility ensures and helps talent place talent where they need to be so that they can do the job that they need to do to ensure company success.
Global Mobility in APAC A Place for Global Mobility to Grow Diverse in Countries and large in scope APAC is a region the welcomes Global Mobility and helps it to thrive. And Singapore, the beauty of it, everyone's on your doorstep. If you're based in Singapore or your company is based in Singapore,you can get to most of the Southeast Asian countries within a couple of hours.
Stories of Global Mobility It all starts with International... A common theme among Global Mobility Professionals is a Love of International. Be that Travel, Culture and everything in between. It really allows me to learn more about tax and relocation and global travel and just how we all have to work together to really advance the goals of the business.
Global Mobility HR Members of GMJ Making Mobility Better Together It is the HR Mobility Professionals who make the difference to Global Mobility and are members of GMJ that make the GMJ HR experience truly special. I think the group is an amazing opportunity to share knowledge and insights and really experience a networking type community without any borders.
Global Mobility an Introduction It begins with an idea… Relocating employees in an effective way is more than a plane ticket – Global Mobility is a fully fledged function – who can best introduce you to it.. the Global Mobility Professionals who manage the programs! Global Mobility is the movement of employees from one location to another location and taking into consideration not only their families move and their housing or their schooling or their personal interests, but also taking into consideration their salary and their benefits and their pension and their Social Security and their tax implications.
Strategic Global Mobility Considering Every Variable... Strategic Global Mobility International Global Mobility programs have some truly unique challenges and also exceptional rewards... the Global Mobility Professionals who manage programs share such fascinating insights into why strategy applied effectively can make that difference. So, one of the challenges that we have as we're building out global mobility policies is it's really critical that you do have a standardized policy.
Global Mobility Process Evolving and Complex... International Hiring has developed into the function that is known as Mobility. The Global Mobility Process enables companies to grow through dependable methodologies that are always improving and adapting. Global Mobility is about looking at Talent Management of Employees from one location to another. It is part of the Talent Strategy for a company. Global Mobility has logistics, which is a relocation, immigration. Looking at the compliance and beyond...
Global Teams Global Mobility The Core of Employee Relocation... Having a global mindset, for Global Mobility often leads to Global Teams caring for Global Employees. Global Mobility professionals really make that difference. It definitely helps if you yourself have ever moved or been on an assignment, whether it's short term, a long-term assignment, so that you can relate.
Employee Relocation Global Mobility Right Person, Right Place... At the heart of Global Mobility is the employee and their family, relocating them as effectively as possible is the win. Global mobility is moving its workforce across borders to achieve organizational goals and also to drive performance Growth. Growth to leverage the diverse pool that is available on a global scale.
The Power of Global Mobility Advancing Talent What makes Global Mobility attractive in the US for companies and organizations is the population that they're working. To support. I think the markets themselves are a little bit more well established, and that's why companies are located here. I think employees and other individuals and talent in general want to come to the US. The global mobility programs are attractive in the UK because it gives you the opportunity to, to, work in different environments. And especially for people who are seeking an international career. I think the UK gives that opportunity.