Experienced HR/Legal Administrator with a demonstrated history of working in the Consulting and Information Technology industry. Strong multilingual HR professional skilled in Global Mobility and Immigration.
United States & Global Mobility Land of Diverse Opportunity The United States is built upon immigration which is at the very core of Global Mobility. The opportunities with the United States for Global Mobility is linked to the awareness of the benefits and challenges presented. The United States is attractive to global mobility programs because there's a lot of great companies that are headquartered here or have a large presence.
Nature of Global Mobility Defined by Achievements Global Mobility faces challenges on a daily basis and it is through the dedication, skill and knowledge of the Mobility professional's defines its very nature. Global Mobility handles risks, where it's a risk and linked operation for outbound and inbound processes for immigration law and travel.
The Story of Global Mobility Where it begins... Many end up in Global Mobility but how do they get there, this is the Story of Global Mobility. I had grown up as part of an expat family and so I knew all the ins and outs of relocating from one country to the other.
Defining Global Mobility Specialist and Far Reaching How do we define something, we look at the constituent parts and how it interacts. Global Mobility here is examined in detail looking at how it interacts with the business, wider HR and beyond. Global Mobility to the business is an area of opportunity for expansion of the company. So a lot of companies like to expand their business into new countries, and Global Mobility plays a critical role in that expansion.
Global Mobility into United States Truly Vast Opportunity Global Mobility has a Home in the United States, the vastness of the size and opportunity requires mobility and it is not surprising Global mobility has found a natural home in the United States. The reason why I like the U.S. is because we are a melting pot. Especially as I sit in California, within Silicon Valley and San Francisco itself. We bring so many individuals who are specialists and masters of their craft to help innovate life together.
Thankful for Global Mobility Realising Potential… Finding the right people for the right place at the right time is critical to a successful Global Mobility program... the Global Mobility Professionals who manage the program share why Global Mobility is truly something to be thankful for! H.R. deals with a lot of global mobility issues, relocation of employees, immigration. And that's where you can really get into the field if you're able to get some knowledge before. That would be great.
Global Mobility: The Americas Trilogy Part 3 The Americas: Corporation’s HQ Choice... With so many Corporations present in the Americas giving Talent, especially corporate professionals, a lot of choice in where to settle and call their next home. It is an attractive destination, because I think for a lot of employees, they see coming to the Americas as well, they're coming to corporate. There's a lot of corporate headquarters here.
Global Teams Global Mobility The Core of Employee Relocation... Having a global mindset, for Global Mobility often leads to Global Teams caring for Global Employees. Global Mobility professionals really make that difference. It definitely helps if you yourself have ever moved or been on an assignment, whether it's short term, a long-term assignment, so that you can relate.
Borderless Hiring Global Mobility Expanding Horizons... Enabling expansion globally and navigating border compliance is a key strength of mobility. Fostering and deploying talent across borders makes a difference for both the employee and company. Enabling them to expand their experience in ways that they may not be able to accomplish if they stayed at home.
Global Mobility Guide to the USA Independently Succeeding Global Mobility has thrived in the United States and how this has been achieved needs to be told by Mobility within the United States – as they the architects of the success. The USA is such a melting pot of different industry organizations that global mobility has thrived here because there are so many organizations delivering different kinds of programs and they all networked together and share ideas in order to further the industry and advance the different policy types and service delivery models and be innovated when it comes to creating solutions for situations that have never happened in the past history of global mobility.
Global Mobility Guide to the World Expanding Potential Being able to travel easily around the World is in effect an ancestor of Global Mobility. That ability to have Talent deployed at the right place and at the right time makes Global Mobility what it is today – essential to International Development and Growth. Global mobility is moving its workforce across borders from one Country to another across the World to achieve organizational goals and also to drive performance. Growth. to leverage, the diverse pool that is available on a global scale.
Global Mobility Beyond More than a HR Function Global Mobility is the interconnection function that goes beyond what is expected as it reaches so many within and external to the business. Helping to make a difference and shape but careers and lives... all thanks to the HR Mobility Professionals working tirelessly day to day! Because sometimes we do face conflicting scenarios and I'm finding a way through it. And then there is a timing attached. So it's also a lot of resilience. It's learning to stay calm in a storm.
Global Mobility The Central Hub The Connection Function As mobility experts, we have a strong responsibility in building that institutional memory, to learn from previous experiences and improve programs and we also have access to build that strategic framework. Definition of global mobility is really, you know, the act of helping an individual or an individual in his or her family move from one country to another. I know that there is a lot of domestic relocations, but my experience is primarily cross-border movement.
Global Mobility Travels Spanning the Globe I'm really excited to see how global mobility is going to evolve in the next few years. I feel like it has evolved quite a bit in the last few years. And it's been a really exciting space to be a part of. I think it's also good if, global mobility professionals have experienced the moves, even if it's within the same country and have worked with themselves, different relocation partners and vendors. So that you can relate to what the employee may be going through. So I really would just say there is no such thing as only being focused on your country.
The Shape of Global Mobility Defining Talents Location Most simply put, global mobility is helping talent get to the locations they are needed in. My definition of global mobility is really, you know, the act of helping an individual or an individual in his or her family move from one country to another. I know that there is a lot of domestic relocations, but my experience is primarily cross-border movement. So it's anything and everything that entails immigration and tax, pension, social securities, banking, housing, shipment of goods.
The Core of Global Mobility Supporting Talent Global mobility is the movement of employees from one location to another location, and taking into consideration not only their families move and their housing or their schooling or their personal interests, but also taking into consideration their salary and their benefits and their pension and their Social security and their tax implications, maybe their transportation, their host transportation. So I think the value of global mobility to the business is are enabling their achievement of whatever their business goals are. And, you know, it can be simply that there's maybe a, site ramp up or a specific skill set that they're seeking and that they need to bring people into. And I feel like we're a big enabler of that
The Power of Global Mobility Advancing Talent What makes Global Mobility attractive in the US for companies and organizations is the population that they're working. To support. I think the markets themselves are a little bit more well established, and that's why companies are located here. I think employees and other individuals and talent in general want to come to the US. The global mobility programs are attractive in the UK because it gives you the opportunity to, to, work in different environments. And especially for people who are seeking an international career. I think the UK gives that opportunity.