Becky Woods, GPHR, SHRM-SCP is Sr. Director, Global Mobility, and has many years of experience in the Talent Management and GM industry.
Growth & Global Mobility GMJ Ambassadors explore how mobility is essential to growth. GMJ Ambassadors explore how mobility is essential to growth and enables such a strong foundation for future benefits.
Keeping GM Mobile: A New Road The experts share the importance of being mobile on assignment. The experts explain how being mobile can drastically improve the lives of employees and their families whilst on Assignment.
What is Global Mobility? Answer the most asked question in Global Mobility! 10 exceptional International HR Global Mobility Professionals - GMJ Ambassadors - explore the fundamental definition of Global Mobility and what it means to the business and beyond... So I think at its essence, global mobility is really about getting the right people in the right place at the right time. So do you have the talent that you need in the roles where they need to be in order to help your business grow and be successful? So we our department is used as a lever to pull when we need to get people to the right place in order for our business to be successful. I'm the senior manager of Relocate Mission and Immigration with global responsibility. My responsibility is to ensure compliance and management of the overall relocation and immigration program. As part of my current role, I'm responsible for policy development and management compliance, risk vendors and vendor management...
Global Mobility & Virtual Assignments Exploring the implications of Virtual Assignments The GMJ experts explore the rapidly rising trend of Virtual Assignments within Global Mobility.
Happiness & Wellbeing The importance of ensuring the happiness & wellbeing in mobility The happiness and wellbeing of an assignee and their family is arguably one of the most important components of a successful assignment. GMJ Ambassadors, Mobility HR, explore this and how it is essential.
Mobility & Covid A GMJ Channel Dedicated to the effect Covid continues to have on Mobility The GMJ Ambassadors share reflections of not only how Mobility is affected by Covid but also how mobility can press forwards in the now of today.
Global Mobility & United States Bringing Global Mobility to the Land of Opportunity Global Mobility in the United States is an attractive opportunity. There are a lot of positives and some unique challenges. 10 GMJ Ambassadors, Global Mobility HR members of Global Mobility Journeys act as guides on this exciting voyage. Global Mobility and those on assignment in the United States can really benefit. From a cultural perspective, the US is a very attractive location for a lot of individuals just because of the massive amount of cultural diversity. So, depending upon where you go, most major cities are going to have a huge variety of different cultures and you'll see that not only in restaurants but in shops and certain locations and neighborhoods. Anything that you can find out about the assignee and their circumstances going into the United States is going to help you to be the best supporting global mobility professional to them and really enhance that employee experience. One of the key challenges that had been top of mind for the past several years was just having to navigate through U.S. immigration. The U.S. Immigration and Tax systems are areas the Assignee and family will need support in learning as we well as the U.S. Credit system. But overall, the United States is the largest market for many companies, massive opportunities for individuals and has a lot to offer to all.
Duty of Care & Global Mobility The essential relationship between Duty of Care & Global Mobility Duty of Care is key to ensuring the success of an Assignment. GMJ Ambassadors, HR Global Mobility, share insights on ways mobility professionals can look after the assignee & family. For any global mobility program or policy these days, flexibility versus duty of care would be a challenge, much as organizations who would like to provide benefits sometimes in the form of lump sum cash, which provides a saying in the flexibility to use it however he wishes based on his own personal needs or preference. We must remember in global mobility that there are minimum benefits that we need to provide at a level that ensures that the cities are looked after.
GMJ Regions: North America Celebrating the GMJ Ambassadors in Canada & United States GMJ is honoured to have so many GMJ Ambassadors, HR Global Mobility Professionals, being part of GMJ and helping to make our amazing content and videos.
GMJ Congress Reflections Our HR Chairs look back at GMJ Congress Events GMJ Congress is a safe place for GMJ Ambassadors (HR Mobility) to connect and learn. GMJ Congress Reflections are interviews of the HR Chairs sharing their positive reflections.
Global Mobility Manager At the center of every Global Mobility Function Global Mobility acts as a connecting hub, and at the center of the Global Mobility Function is the Global Mobility Manager. But what does this entail..? We are integrators. So global mobility enables the Global Mobility professionals, Global Mobility Managers, to actually learn about a lot of other things that enable movement. Like I said, some something that is that allows for global mobility to be successful is the integrator part. Talking to legal talking to corporate tax, knowing when to pull in finance, when when to pull in other stakeholders and be seen as just one front that allows for global mobility to be the integrator.
Evolving Global Mobility What will Global Mobility look like in the Future? Global Mobility, Talent Mobility.. what is next.. what does the future hold ? The GMJ Ambassadors (Global Mobility HR) discuss ways Mobility has changed and predict what may be next. Global Mobility and by proxy Talent Mobility will expand. It will have more knowledge of risk and compliance management. It's interesting because global mobility along with the benefits that it has, because of the growing talent and because we were building capabilities of other people, somehow there is a huge cost to it. So there is a budget that is contributed to this relocation in the future ways of working with the hires, the technology and the new information that we're receiving. We will have to start looking at virtual assignments or working from different locations for the new one and really looking to reduce the number of mobilization. So that's the coming in new ways because of the recent changes.
Global Mobility Journeys Explained Global Mobility Journeys GMJ, What is it all about? Global Mobility Journeys GMJ is summed up well as a celebration of Global Mobility connecting Global Mobility HR. I love the unique idea of Global Mobility Journeys has to be able to engage the global mobility community and share knowledge. And I like the idea that they're using Technology, which most of us are now. I'm connecting with other mobility professionals, having the ability to exchange stories and to ultimately support one another. The GMJ Congress (Global Mobility Event Online) is always a great place where you can see your professional colleagues that you don't normally get to see. It's a it's a wonderful opportunity to bring everyone together to talk about current events and really find out what are other people doing in their Global Mobility programs. So you can then take that back andand make your Global Mobility program better.
Global Mobility & Immigration At the center of Relocation is Immigration Moving an employee across borders to work the key element of any Global Mobility program and without effective Immigration processes this would not be possible. Immigration is what Global Mobility HR Professionals need to be aware of and always in tune with. You want to avoid having a situation where the employee gets to the airport and they're denied entry because they either don't have the proper visa or the proper paperwork in order to enter that country. Immigration is actually the first piece of the puzzle of Global Mobility - done right it makes for a smooth as possible Global Mobility program.
Global Mobility - Branding the Function Putting Global Mobility in the best light Effectively Branding Global Mobility. After a GMJ Congress Live Online event recently we caught up with two HR Chairs to ask their thoughts on Branding Global Mobility. It's really near and dear to my heart because I do think our function is not well understood outside of the core folks that really deal with it on a day to day basis. So both internally within our organizations, I think there's a lot of information sharing and education that happens.
Global Mobility Event Stories Communicating Knowledge Communication and sharing knowledge are key to the growth of Global Mobility. The dedicated HR First Global Mobility Events GMJ provides a truly Global arena for HR Professionals to enhance their knowledge online. It's a wonderful opportunity to bring everyone together to talk about current events and really find out what are other people doing in their programs. So you can then take that back and and make your program better. In particular, I really enjoy the GMJ Congress formats because one is structured really well. Andy and the team put together a really clear agenda to follow.
USA Immigration & Global Mobility The Door to Opportunity Immigration is at core of the United States. A nation built on Immigration is going to be a natural home for Global Mobility. But USA Immigration can be both a challenge and a reward for Global Mobility programs. My top tip for mobility professionals supporting the immigration piece is just having a really strong partner who understands the immigration landscape and is keeping you up to date so that you know that you're able to compliantly deploy your employees anywhere in the world that you need to send them.
Global Mobility Services Internal & External Success... Global Mobility is a Service in a sense that the internal Global Mobility Function provides to the company internally as well as the Function uses Global Mobility Services externally. The key is partnering with vendors supplying Global Mobility Services that actively support my program... How you implement and apply Services is fundamental whether you are applying internally or externally sourced.
The Future of Global Mobility What may be... Who is best to say what will happen to Global Mobility in the future, the HR Mobility professionals who run the programs. So we did that very thing. Global mobility is a vital function to the organization. Global mobility ensures and helps talent place talent where they need to be so that they can do the job that they need to do to ensure company success.
Global Mobility in North America Established Potential for Global Mobility The North America region is a natural rich ground for Global Mobility advancement in the fact that moving employees has been the norm due to the size of the region to this day. A history of welcoming immigration and foreigners.
Global Mobility Around the World Far Reaching Possibilities Global Mobility is itself a Global function by its nature, with often truly global Teams working in harmony to make Global Mobility a success. The role of the global mobility professional where they need to handhold the employees in such a difficult situation and make them aware of the local, the local culture, the local scenarios.
Effective Global Mobility Strategically Applying Knowledge It takes a balance of knowledge and skill to spin the required plates to achieve the ideal result, that of an Effective Global Mobility Program. And it is very challenging to explain to people that that that there are limitations, that there are rules and laws in place that they can't just show up at the office and start working, that the immigration authorities could show up at the office at any moment and do an audit and do a check.
Global Mobility into North America A Continent of Opportunity With such a large breadth of cultures, opportunities and landscapes Global Mobility has a true place to thrive in North America. It is part of the talent strategy for a company. Global mobility has logistics,which is a relocation, immigration. Looking at the compliance. Making sure that somebody is legally allowed to go to a country.
Global Mobility Professionals Connecting Internal and External Who are the people who coordinate and connect all the internal, external and assignee interests - they are the Global Mobility Professionals. But the truth is, I think the simplest way is I talk about the fact that, you know, people move and then when they move, there's a lot that needs to be coordinated.
Strategic Global Mobility Considering Every Variable... Strategic Global Mobility International Global Mobility programs have some truly unique challenges and also exceptional rewards... the Global Mobility Professionals who manage programs share such fascinating insights into why strategy applied effectively can make that difference. So, one of the challenges that we have as we're building out global mobility policies is it's really critical that you do have a standardized policy.
Global Mobility: The Americas Trilogy Part 2 Diverse Connections... Global Mobility is at the very heart of the Americas with its diverse countries and regions. A welcoming region to Assignees and Expats. There are there are a lot of opportunities and amazing cultural experiences that people can gain by having an assignment in the USA and Americas. Even within the U.S., there are multiple cultures to explore and a wealth of diversity.
Global Mobility Process Evolving and Complex... International Hiring has developed into the function that is known as Mobility. The Global Mobility Process enables companies to grow through dependable methodologies that are always improving and adapting. Global Mobility is about looking at Talent Management of Employees from one location to another. It is part of the Talent Strategy for a company. Global Mobility has logistics, which is a relocation, immigration. Looking at the compliance and beyond...
Global Mobility Moving People Personalised Employee Relocation... Global Mobility Professionals always remember they are moving people and not employee numbers. This is a key driver of a professional moving people. We can never be only focused on the country that we're operating in. We must appreciate and accept that these employees come from different backgrounds and different countries.
One Location to Another Global Mobility Moving Employees... Global Mobility defined, often it is simply Moving employees from one location to another. Moving talent to where it is needed and can make that difference. Global Mobility to the employee. It's an opportunity to live and work and immerse yourself into another culture and really step outside your comfort zone. Learn about how you work and how your organization works.
Corporate Relocation Global Mobility Successful Expansion... There are distinct complications and factors that need to be considered when engaging in Corporate Relocation There’s a lot of opportunity for us to hire some of the best talent. There's a lot of opportunity for that talent to find good opportunities here. I think it's a win win situation for us, allows for us to, give people a chance.
Global Mobility The Key Function The Central Hub If Global Mobility HR has the right information, the constant right information, and providing it to the talent and leadership team, they would be able to really strategically point out where, people need to be mobilized. Duty of care is so important for global mobility, especially in the immigration space. We need to make sure that we are, being compliant on all levels so that we are not, getting our employees or are the entities for which they work in trouble.
Global Mobility 2024 to 2025 Preparation & Planning Watch, Includes Global Mobility HR insights from the HR event GMJ Congress December 2024! Global Mobility is helping talent get to the locations they are needed in. This may be in the same country or continent or across the world. Sometimes this means that we're only moving the employee. Other times it means that we're moving the entire family.
The Pillars of Global Mobility Supporting Talent Anywhere My top tip when moving is expect delays and that something will go wrong. I'm here to navigate when that happens, but no amount of preparation will take away the fact that someone who's moving is going to experience an obstacle. Global mobility is the movement of employees from one location to another location, and taking into consideration not only their, their, their families move and their housing or their schooling or their personal interests, but also taking into consideration their salary and their benefits and their pension and their Social security and their tax implications, maybe their transportation, their host transportation.